My mind works out harder than I do. It is constantly thinking, analyzing, dreaming. A couple of days ago I read an article about starting a blog. Now I don't need to say that I started one already, but thusfar not that succesful. Like I'm interested in other people's thoughts I thought other people would be interested in mine. Turns out not really... The article said that you have to write about something that you're passionate about because otherwise you will not keep doing it. When I started thinking about this two F words popped into my head: Fashion and Food. Let's skip over the fashion for now and focus on the food. For a while now I've been trying to get into a healthier lifestyle: aka working out and eating less nutella. And I must say that I have my own creative way of 'going on a diet'. While I thought my colleague who is really into healthy food was supporting me, she's actually using me as a way of entertaining her husband. Every night they discuss Stefanie's diet of the day. Apparently they are not a fan of the I only drank half a red bull which is better than a whole red bull-logic. To some level I understand this, but on the other hand I'm not incorrect. Instead of eating a double croque monsieur yesterday, I only ate one. That's half of the calories saved! Mathematically this can't go wrong. Think about it, instead of getting totally drunk you stop when you feel lightheaded. Pros: less expensive, less calories, less chance you'll make a fool out of yourself, although I don't need to be drunk to do that. Cons: if I do make a fool of myself, I will remember. Still I invite all of you who don't read my blog to join in and try my 'Half an apple a day keeps the doctor a little while longer away - diet'.